Resource Directory
Google is great if you enjoy sifting through a gazillion search results.
We wanted something a little more efficient for our members, so we created a handy Resource Directory.
While you’re busy living your daily life, our research team is digging up great resources for firearms related training, products and services.
It’s simple, concise and free for our members.
For immediate access, click here to log in or join now. Membership is free.
Firearms Training Schools
The great news is there are hundreds of trainers and schools for just about every kind of shooting there is. The bad news is there are hundreds of trainers and schools for just about every kind of shooting there is. We’ve developed a resource to help our members find quality training at affordable prices…with an emphasis on personal and home defense. You’re going to like what you see. Click here now.
The internet is awesome for delivering more content than you could consume in a 1,000 lifetimes. But sometimes it’s fun to get away from the computer screen and peruse the pages of an interesting publication. While there aren’t as many publications as there are websites, there’s still a LOT. We’ve compiled a short list of some of the industry’s best publications…featuring product reviews, buyer’s guides, training tips, commentary and lots of pictures of all kinds of firearms and accessories. Click here now.
There many organizations which support firearms owners in a variety of important ways. Among them are Training Schools, Local Shooting Clubs & Ranges, Competitive Shooting Organizations, Legal Protection and Gun Rights Preservation. Our directory has all the links in one handy place. Click here now.
Sure, ammo is a commodity. Or is it? The more you get around guns, the more you’ll discover there are big differences in cost, quality and performance. And then once you decide what you want, it’s a whole other challenge to get enough and at the right price. We’ve found an AMAZING tool for online ammo shopping…and a directory to all the major manufacturers. Click here now.
Firearms Manufacturers
You’ll be amazed at how many firearms manufacturers there are! But when you’re shopping for a new firearm…or just need parts, warranty help, or a current manual…going directly to the manufacturer’s website is the best way to get authoritative answers. As a service to our members, we’ve organized links to the most up to date directories. Click here now.
Our research team looks for (or creates) timeless educational content we think is relevant, practical and helpful to firearms owners. Click here now.
For immediate access, click here to login or join now. Membership is free.

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